Monday, June 29, 2015

Navigating Home

Anyone can live at home, no matter the significance of disability. Three critical components to make that happen are significant social support, advocacy and resources. Thankfully Kansas has been a forward thinking state in this regard for many years. They have even passed laws making it a right to live at home and not in a facility. The recently designed KanCare system has not changed the constellation of services available, just how you access them. 

When a significant incident happens forcing you to rely on disability or public assistance, you are forced to deal with the daunting medical issues and decisions while being expected to figure out how to traverse the many steps to get home. The first step in the process is applying for disability. Below is a chart that was developed between Stormont Vail Hospital and Minds Matter LLC to help people navigate the disability and eligibility maze. This is a necessary step in the process to get in home services and supports after brain injury. If you are starting this process from the hospital, the social worker can help you get started. If you are starting this process from another place, like a rehab facility, nursing home, or from home, you can utilize Minds Matter LLC to get started. 

The steps to getting on the Traumatic Brain Injury waiver in Kansas.